Thursday, May 10, 2012

we must overcome religion.

lets face an - dependin on who you ask - inconvenient fact. We re livin in the 21st century.  Our life is ruled by advanced technology, we can explain basically the entire universe, yet the majority of mankind still believes there is something bigger than us, almighty and bossy. Im speakin of theists - people who are sure there is one or several gods watchin over us. religious people just cant take the idea that they are free, that there is no higher entity they can hand over the responsibility for their life and for what they do.
once again i read dead space martyrs. and i got an epiphany. in the name of god(s) most wars has been unleashed. there is murder and suicide in the name of religion.  some people even get insane. (k, must admit thats not brand spankin new). sure, religion didnt bestowed us mutated corpses (yet), but it blocks the mental evolution. dont wanna know what thoughts could be thought right now if mind didnt block ideas cause theyd negotiate the thinkers faith. yeah some believers say that theyre tolerant and enlightened. so you know bout how  physics works. and you still say that it is god? hes the driving force behind natural laws n all that stuff? for every rational human being, this is a total paradox. you cant believe in causal relationships on the one side and on the other, you believe in a creature that cant exist accordin to these relationship.
until humanity overcomes this doublethink, there will be no real worldwide mental evolution. cause religion oppresses everything that could do damage to it. so the enlightened part of mankind is still not able to express itself freely - in most countries religion still is the rulin power. also a lot of otherwise brilliant minds are caged in the limited thinking that their faith allows them.

we must overcome religion - for humans sake!

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