Sunday, February 19, 2012


ya the western developed countries especially the continental europe share a cruel fate: no streets at all, just muddy small trails, swamps whereever you look, steep rocky hills n big unbridged torrents. so its a pain in the ass to get from a to b. wait what? thats not the situation in europe? there are well build streets, a lot of highways n nearly every spot you can drive a car on is paved? if so - y the heck SUVs seems multiplicatin like viagra fed rabbits?!? there s absolutely no need for em.
well if you re a rational thinkin guy. if not so here are a few reasons:

I: showoff: look - i ve got so much money, i can spend 35.000€ on a car! (that s the kindo people who cant affort a porsche or a ferrari or somethin like that)

II: compensation: a lot of people buyin those cars have a lower self esteem than ted buckland - the lawyer from 'scrubs'. so when they lack of balls - at least they can join the poser game.

III: yeah i know i rarely need that but its good to know i could: could what? conquer the gravel parking space? cross the drainage trickle? wow. what a challenge...

IV: i need the seats. yep. there s rarely a car with more than 1 seat that doesnt at least weight 1,3 tons.

V: i need the space. are u kiddin? what space? luggage space in SUVs isnt much bigger than in any other car - as long you dont drive a pickup. (pls dont)

VI: its safe. yeah - its totally safe. i mean you dont have mass so you gain no impulse n sometimes you car get stopped by a fly squashin on the windshield. so its extremely easy to control and you re absolutely no danger for the other less armored road users. s the ugly truth:

I: fuel n environment. you need a lot of gas to power your car. its very expensive nowadays, you create a lot of carbon dioxide also you need to set sometimes more than a ton in motion to get 80kg from a to b.

II: parking space. you dont get any. they are all occupied by small japanese cars. you need a lot of time to find a place where you can park your car. so you re drivin around the block gain n gain n emit a lot of CO2 cause ya burn a lot of gas.

III: lil bit of physics. impulse equals mass times velocity. as ya drive faster, your car gets harder to control. also it wants to retain its direction of movement - this phenomenon s called mass inertia. now imagine hittin a pedestrian. with 250kg at 20 mph n a ton at 20 mph. when do you think the pedestrian will be hurt more? even worse, the front of most SUVs are too high to shoulder roll over it so the entire upper body gets hit without any chance to dampen the impact. dear SUV driver. you are a threat to all the other traffic participants and to yourself.

so please buy yourself a car that fits your needs, not your complexes.
thanks in the name of this planet, every road user and last but not least - our eyes.
cause most SUVs are ugly as hell.
so long - a guy who has been hit by a 'normal' car for 3 times so he wasnt harmed.

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