politicians, lobbyists, especially, the operating companies often
and always assure, that nuclear energy is superior. its the cleanest,
most powerfull and renewable power source there is. and we tamed that beast.
completely and for sure. MCAs like fukushima daiichi are highly impropable
n may occur once in 10.000 year per power plant.
such an accident, respective to INES scale 5 and beyond
happened 7 times in the last 100! years. so much for the statistics.
the problem istn the chain reaction itself. as we saw in japan, nuclear reactors
need constant cooling, otherwise they get outta control.
when the neutron bombin of the nucleus' gets stopped by the moderators,
(often columns made of cadmium or boron, elements, that can catch and absorb fast neutrons)
via SCRAM, u dont stop the energy. the radioactive elements inside the core still
remain radioactive, the decay continues. the developing heat is big enough to vaporize the
core water and even melt the fuel assembly itself, forming a highly radioactive metal
lava that corrodes its way through all safety barriers of the reactor building.
even when the percentage of fissionable U^235 is used up, the decay continues and produces enough
heat to get uncontrollable without constant cooling in water filled pools.
new build plants now get special reservoirs made from tungsten enforced special concrete,
that can withstand the enormous temperature. these so called 'core catchers'
are only installed in 2 operating plants so far!
last but not least, without proper cooling, they also might break or lose its devastating content.
in every other plant, in case of a meltdown, the corium may reach the groundwater. or - as happened in japan, the coastal rocks near an open ocean. if a reactor is SCRAMed, the cooling system must be energized with separate emergency power, cause if not operating, the plant itself got no energy.
these emergengy systems are back upped self sufficiently twice n thrice, nevertheless,
in case of a natural disaster or other system fails, as happened in the past,
the supply of energy or even the system control itself may fail n cause a
disaster. it is the well known and often ignored 'rest risk'.
germany finally enacted the nuclear phase out. but countries like france run completely
on nuclear energy, and eastern europe continues to build new ones.
with backup emergency cooling systems, without a core catcher, with rest rist...
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