Thursday, November 8, 2012


just watched  a lil bit of gameplay n a trailer of the new 'dead space 3'. when i read that EA wants to reach a bigger target group i was alarmed...n i was right. thats not dead space anymore. i wanna crawl through dark space ships, through giant dark churches with the constant menace of bein attacked out of nowhere. i DONT wanna wander around on frozen planets in bright fuckin DAYLIGHT where i can see every enemy for 100 metres before it attacks. i dont want explosions or jump n run. n surely no HUMAN antagonists - i mean cmon. i dismembered livin (k at least something similar to) scythes. n now it should be a challenge for me to fight against humans? hello? earth to EA: they are  mortal. *yawn*.
it happened what i call the 'resident evil effect'. an awesome game gets published, mind shatterin horror. giant succes, so lets make a sequel. also a giant later than that the greed for more money kicks in. drop the suspense, create a clearly arranged environment and weaken the monsters. lets just make the 2114th ego shooter with ugly lookin enemies. why?!? y u sacrifice the greatest game ever on the altar of mammon?
it has had it all. unkillable undead mutants, a great background story totally anti religion, suspense, thrill, splatter n just plain n evil terror!. EA, u betrayed dead space, u betrayed survival horror n worst: u betrayed US!. the first hour gamer, who didnt drop u after dead space aftermath (what was btw just ridiculous). we wanna get the shit scared outta us! n dead space(2) did this! thx for takin that away.
i hope a lurker disembowls u all :)

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