Thursday, October 11, 2012


religion - is pretty much dead. the old churches jumped the shark.  the christian church loses its members faster than the german FDP. so finally - the age of enlightment, a rational future? not at all gets worse than ever.
people mistrust the politically powerful organisations, but they still believe in supernatural stuff angels, feng shui, horoscopes, mystic energies...esoterism is the biggest thing since the internet. worst:
its not only a big scam. way to much people actually believe in what they r sellin n talkin bout! how comes? its just a big lullaby. there are higher powers carin for n protectin us. we are part of a big master plan. there is a simple solution for every problem. all is nice n pink and the unicorns r dancin with glee...
when u try to flee reality, ur not gonna do something gainst real world problems. cuz in ur point of view, they r all gone, if u just use the right crystal n even if not, ur personal guardian angel s gonna save u...
those people are an obstruction on the path of progress and evolution. but instead of leavin them behind...we let them stop us, block us, become one of them. esoterism is gainin we gotta stop it. before it stops us.

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