Wednesday, June 20, 2012


today i read an article bout haters in  limited's  last issue.
was basically bout those guys (ab)usin skateboarding to solicite some completely-non-skate-related crap they wanna sell  us. but if we actually roll in (pun intended :P) we'll get busted. we're too loud, destroyin always everything n so on. we all know that crap talk.

its an attitude i come across quiet often. (not only while on my board)

we really shouldnt use our cars downtown. its pollutin n unneccesary n stressful n so on. everybody knows that. 'but I need my car, I cant use public transport!' thats the way they all think, n guess what? traffic jams.

lets talk bout renewable energy. 'yeah awesome idea! we really must quit nuclear power n coal burnin and all that stuff. but please, dont build a wind turbine near my hometown. they are loud n casting shadows. lets build the windfarms offshore.' 'k we'll do that  but then we need to build new high voltage transmission lines.' 'oh pls no transmission line where i live. the pylons are ugly n what about the e smog?'.

yeah most people connect the dots n admit that there must be a change. but if it comes down to change something nobody himself want to. yeah awesome idea - but not me/not near me.
im sick of this bigoted riffraff...

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